
Showing posts from October, 2021

Accomplishment - When does the subconscious feel it?

I have always heard the saying, 'mind is a monkey'. Of late with the kind of network and connectivity, we have loads of information in much less than a click of a button. Multiple ideas and the need to jump from one source to another, not just makes us feel low in our self-esteem, but also the need to try everything.  So, as a monkey, today we try different tools and land up getting sucked into the vacuum of trying and starting something new, before finishing the ones we started. The subconscious mind is confused, there is a sense of incompletion and it keeps bring that too into our internal minds eye and suddenly we feel overwhelmed even on days when we had all the worlds time in our hands doing nothing but feel exhausted. Ever felt this? This is due to the fact that we start with a project 1 and before seeing its completion we start project2 and 3, we can if we have the intention of completing one and all. This my dear friend brings a low self esteem to the subconscious and w