
Showing posts from 2024

Attention Deficient - Who does not have it?

 Attention is something anyone should have when it comes to focusing and learning anything in life. I am going to share an experience I just had and decided to share what enlightenment I just got to the terminology or tagging one a ADD or attention deficit disorder.  I was trying to read a couple of pages from a spiritual text, normally very insightfull areas need more understanding and repeated readings, however this one is a story like chapter ideally easy to read and relate. The TV was on with songs i dont prefer, the road was buzzing with traffic honking of vehicles, somenes watsap was playing some forward, technically i have been able to focus on reading despite all these sounds. But what happened just now? I could not read one short passage, i was reading and re-reading. It was my mind, it was running with multiple things from within that i could not focus or give attention to reading. IT was nothing from the outside. I was thinking of what was my next series i wanted to host, a